
Solomon Siah

Solomon 是個國際的創作歌手,曾在洛杉磯、芝加哥、香港、澳門和台灣等地演出。他喜歡用他的創作來捕捉精彩的每個瞬間,曾為不同國家的流行歌手寫過歌,例如華語歌姬李玟 (Coco Lee)、巴西爵士樂歌手凡妮莎法拉貝拉 (Vanessa Falabella)、韓國饒舌歌手 Tier2...。他的音樂帶著 groove 和 soul 的專注,曲風混合著熟悉的史提夫汪達 (Stevie Wonder)、埃拉·菲茨杰拉德 (Ella Fitzgerald)、Musiq Soulchild、約翰·梅爾 (John Mayer)、印度阿里 (India Arie) 的味道。

Solomon has written songs for Chinese pop artists like Coco Lee, Brazilian jazz artists like Vanessa Falabella, and even underground Korean rap artists like Tier2.  His influences carry a common focus on groove, soul and vocal passion - Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald, Musiq Soulchild, John Mayer, and India Arie, just to name a few. 

Solomon is a singer-songwriter who has performed internationally in front of thousands at clubs and venues in LA, Chicago, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.  He loves working with artists and loves the creative process of capturing a moment in a song.  

作曲 Composition

  • 李玟 CoCo Lee - Match Made In Heaven :: YouTube