在上中學的時候,一張《黑色柳丁》改變了我對未來的職業規劃,隨後開始不知疲倦的吸收著各種不同風格音樂的營養,從John Coltrane聽到Marvin Gaye,從James Taylor聽到John Mayer,再從Beatles聽到Limp Bizkit,這樣的狀態持續了幾年,十八歲那年才終於鼓起勇氣拿起吉他開始寫歌。然後陰差陽錯地從土木工程畢業后,我還是選擇了熱愛的音樂。
When I was in high school, I came upon David Tao’s "black tangerine” album and it completely changed the career path that I had planned for myself. Ever since then I began to tirelessly immerse myself in different music genres with artists from Marvin Gaye to John Coltrane ,James Taylor to John Mayer, and The Beatles to Limp Bizkit. It went on for a few years until I finally got the courage to pick up the guitar and begin to write songs. I was 18. It was due to this fortuitous series of events that even though I graduated with a civil engineering degree, I chose to work in music instead.